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Say Again Please Bob Gardner Pdf

Say Again, Please – Guide to Radio Communications

6th Edition

by Bob Gardner

Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc.

7005 132nd Identify SE

Newcastle, Washington 98059-3153

©1995–2019 Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval arrangement, or transmitted in whatsoever form or by whatever means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and Bob Gardner assume no responsibility for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.

The flight and radio talk examples used throughout this book are for illustration purposes but, and are not meant to reflect all of the possible incidences and communications that may occur in bodily flight, nor does the author suggest by using existing facilities that the flight example given covers all possible parameters of an actual flight to or from those facilities. The airport photographs and nautical chart excerpts are not for navigational purposes; refer to the electric current charts and the Chart Supplement U.S. when planning your flight.


ISBN 978-i-61954-775-ix

Photo and Illustration Credits: Aerial views of Washington Country airports, courtesy Washington State Section of Transportation, Aviation Partitioning; p.8, Jim Fagiolo; p.2-2, p.ii-3, courtesy Garmin; p.two-5 through 2-12, Telex Communications, Inc.; p.2-10 (summit), Aloft Technologies; p.two-11 (left), Sigtronics; p.2-xiii (tiptop) King Argent Crown; p.2-13 (lesser), Terra; p.2-fifteen, Narco Avionics; p.ii-17, courtesy Garmin; p.3-ii, 3-4, 3-7, half dozen-1, 10-iii, Bob Gardner; p.3-fourteen, Henry Geijsbeek; p.6-9 Olympia airport guide, courtesy Airguide Publications, Inc.

Cover Photo: Jay Stilwell

About the Author

Bob Gardner has long been an admired member of the aviation customs. He began his flight career every bit a hobby in Alaska in 1960 while in the U.Due south. Coast Guard.

Bob's shore-duty assignments in the USCG were all electronic/communications based. He served in the Communications Partition at Coast Baby-sit Headquarters and was Chief of Communications for the Thirteenth Declension Guard District. He holds a Commercial Radiotelephone Operator's license and an Advanced Course Amateur Radio Operator'south License.

By 1966, Bob accomplished his Private state and sea, Commercial, Instrument, Teacher, CFII and MEL. Over the next xvi years he was an instructor, charter pilot, designated examiner, freight domestic dog and Manager of ASA Footing Schools.

Currently, Bob holds an Airline Transport Airplane pilot Certificate with single- and multi-engine land ratings; a CFI certificate with instrument and multi-engine ratings; and a Ground Instructor's Certificate with advanced and instrument ratings. In addition, Bob is a Gold Seal Flight Teacher, has been instructing since 1968, and was awarded Flight Instructor of the Year in Washington State. To top off this impressive listing of accomplishments, Bob is also a well-known author, announcer and airshow lecturer.

He can be contacted on the Internet at

Books past Bob Gardner:

The Complete Individual Pilot

The Consummate Private Pilot Syllabus

The Complete Multi-Engine Airplane pilot

The Consummate Avant-garde Pilot

Software and Audio Review past Bob Gardner:

Communications Trainer


Nosotros live in a technological age. It is possible to fly without radios or electronic aids to navigation and rely solely on the Mark I eyeball, just in that location is no question that safety is enhanced when pilots can locate 1 another beyond visual range. The avionics industry continues to provide pilots with improved products which make advice easier and more reliable, simply technology alone is not enough—the user must feel comfy with the equipment and the system.

We all feel comfortable with the telephone, and an increasing number of pilots feel comfortable with radios that operate in the citizen'due south or amateur radio bands. However, if there is a controller on the other finish of the conversation many pilots freeze upward. The goal of this volume is to increment your comfort level when using an aircraft radio by explaining how the system works and giving examples of typical transmissions.

A brief word of explanation. I am a flight instructor, and flight instructors talk, and talk, and talk. It is impossible for me to shut off my flight instructor instincts and convert myself totally into a writer. You will pick up on this correct away considering I echo myself. Over 30 years of instructing I accept learned that if something is repeated in different contexts it will be remembered, then you can count on the same information showing up in more than i affiliate. That is not sloppy editing or carelessness, it is good instructional technique. Too, some types of airspace change nomenclature when the tower closes down or the atmospheric condition observer goes home—there will exist some overlap every bit I discuss each situation in the chapter on each type of airspace.


I will not spell out numbers in this text; the AIM says that numerals are to exist pronounced individually: 300 is spoken as three zero null, runway 13 as track 1 three, etc. I know that I can count on you to make the mental conversion. Altitudes are handled differently, as you will learn in Chapter iii. Besides, controllers do non say degrees when assigning courses and headings, so neither will I.

In radio communication, the different classes of airspace are spoken as their phonetic equivalents (again, see Chapter 3), without the word class:

Cessna 1357X is cleared to enter the Charlie surface area…

In the text, however, they will exist referred to as Form B, Class K, etc.

Editor'southward Note

The examples of radio talk between pilots, controllers and other communications facilities in this text are printed in a bold and italics, not-serif typeface. These are too identified by small labels, which are sometimes abbreviated, every bit visual aids to the reader to show who is talking. Definitions for these labels can exist found in Appendix A, Communications Facilities.


Airplane pilot Cessna 1357X requests rails 23.


The author wishes to acknowledge the assist of the following experts in reviewing the text for accuracy and completeness:

Suzanne Alexander, Managing director, Boeing Field Tower

Jim Davis, Plans and Procedures, Seattle-Tacoma TRACON

Terry Hall, American Avionics, Seattle

Mike Ogami, Seattle Automatic Flight Service Station

Note about the examples used in this volume:

The National Helmsmanship and Infinite Administration (NASA) commissions contractors to search the NASA database for lessons to be learned from accidents and pilot reports. Also, NASA publishes Callback, a costless monthly newsletter that provides its subscribers with selected incidents from the Aviation Safe Reporting Arrangement (ASRS). Except for those few cases where I received an anecdote directly from an ATC controller, the examples in this book come from NASA sources.

If you want to receive Callback, simply transport your address to ASRS, Box 189, Moffett Field, California, 94035 or view online at:

If y'all want to hear and run across this volume in action, bank check out the Communications Trainer (order number ASA-ESAP) software product, which as well includes an Sound Review so you can mind to many more examples of advice exchanges on your habitation or auto stereo.

Affiliate 1

The ABCs of Communicating

The Pilot-Controller Partnership For Safety

Aviation communication is a squad effort, not a competition between pilots and controllers. Air traffic controllers are simply equally broken-hearted equally you are for your flight to exist completed safely. They volition cooperate with you whenever they can do so and all the same remain consistent with safety. They are not the equivalent of the stereotypical law enforcement officeholder just waiting for you to do something wrong. They hate paperwork equally much as anyone, and filing a violation against a airplane pilot starts an avalanche of forms and reports. On the other hand, they have a tremendous amount of responsibility and can be severely overloaded with traffic; that means y'all can't wait a controller to ignore everyone else in order to give you special treatment.

Inherent in the teamwork concept is equality. Yes—controllers can and will give you instructions that you lot must follow (unless it is unsafe to practise so), merely they are not aviation police with books of tickets just waiting for y'all to brand a error. They are on your side. Like all of us, they have bad days, so don't read too much into a controller's tone of voice. And don't ask for permission (i.e., practice not use the word permission). That sets my teeth on border. Instead just say, for example, Asking taxi instructions; Request ten degrees left for weather; Request directly Bigtown Municipal…and the like.

Many pilots are reluctant to utilise the radio because they feel that they are imposing on the controller. They should put themselves in the controller'south seat: In that location are twenty targets on the scope and the controller knows the altitude, course, and intentions of nineteen of them because they are on instrument flight plans or are receiving radar flight following services. For the 20th target, the controller knows merely its altitude and present direction of flying (VFR flight plans are not seen by the air traffic control system). Will that target change altitude and/or course and create a conflict? At that place is no way for the controller to know, and thus the unknown target imposes a greater workload on the controller. Don't be that target.

Many pilots are reluctant to collaborate with ATC considering they don't want to carp the controller. Controller'south pay levels are based in role on traffic count, and so by failing to communicate you hitting the controller in the purse. They welcome your phone call.

Doing Things by the Book

The controller's actions are bound by FAA Handbook 7110.65, the Air Traffic Command Handbook. This publication tells controllers exactly what phraseology to utilise in near every situation, and woe to the controller who has had a skid of the tongue when he or she sits downwardly with a supervisor to jointly monitor tapes during a quarterly evaluation. That is non to say that the controller operates in a procedural straitjacket. If y'all don't understand what a controller has said, or do understand just don't know what yous are existence told to do, just say I don't empathize, or words to that outcome. The controller won't be out pounding the pavement, since the intent of the advice was to extend a helping hand and make your life a little easier.

As a airplane pilot, yous do not have a manual of canned phrases that are expected to see every state of affairs. The Aeronautical Information Manual contains a section on communication process, and if you read it (and y'all should) yous will receive guidance on the best style to go your message across to the controller.

Both the Aeronautical Information Transmission (AIM) and the Air Traffic Command Handbook comprise the Pilot/Controller Glossary. The intent of the Glossary is to ensure that certain words accept the same meaning to both the airplane pilot and the controller. Before you ask your teacher a question like What does 'resume own navigation' mean? wait it up in the Pilot/Controller Glossary. There are very few terms used in normal aviation communication that practice non announced in the Glossary.

Effigy 1-i. AIM and ATC Handbook

An historical sidelight: The Pilot/Controller Glossary didn't exist earlier 1974. It became apparent only afterwards a major airline accident that some phrases meant ane thing to controllers and something entirely different to pilots, and the glossary was built-in. A very good reason for you to familiarize yourself with the P/C Glossary in the AIM.

Can't We All Just Get Forth?

An important part of the teamwork concept is negotiation. Many pilots, both novices and old easily, call up that a directive from an air traffic controller must be obeyed without question. Those pilots have forgotten that the Federal Aviation Regulations make the pilot-in-command of the airplane solely responsible for the safety of the flight. A controller cannot straight you to practise something that is unsafe or illegal. You must remember that you are nigh always in a amend position to determine the safety of a given action than is the controller.

For instance, allow's assume that you are flying in Class B airspace (to be divers later). In that blazon of airspace the controller can give you specific altitudes and/or headings to fly; you are required past 14 CFR §91.123 to comply with those instructions. When the controller says Plow right to 330 and yous can meet that to exercise and then would take you too close to a cloud, it becomes your responsibility to say Unable due to weather. After all, the controller can't see clouds on the radar screen and has no way of knowing that y'all would exist turning toward a cloud. 14 CFR §91.3 says that y'all are the last authority every bit to operation of your aircraft and this rule supersedes all others.

Some other instance: Yous have just touched down on the runway and the controller says Turn right at the side by side taxiway. If yous are rolling also fast to make the plough without wearing a large flat spot on your primary landing gear and overheating the brakes, it is your responsibility to say Unable. If you are really busy with the airplane, don't say annihilation until you can reach for the microphone without losing directional control.

Other situations where negotiation might exist used include being assigned a landing rails that requires a lot of taxiing to get to your destination or, in lite winds, a departure runway that takes you in a direction that you don't want to become. Just say,

PILOT Cessna 1357X requests runway 23

(instead of runway fourteen, for example). If the alter can be accomplished without affecting either your safety or that of other flights, your request will exist granted. In that location are almost as many exceptions to the rules as there are rules, just too many pilots simply go by the rules without attempting negotiation.

Mike Fright

We are all afraid of saying the wrong thing, especially when dozens of other people are listening. Aviation magazines frequently print stories of humorous advice mistakes or misunderstandings. In aviation, it is far more of import to say something than to proceed tranquility and go on into a potentially tight situation—especially when traveling at 2 miles a infinitesimal.

Phone call-in talk shows are quite mutual on both radio and television set, and the callers are in the same situation as you lot are when you choice upwardly the microphone in your airplane every bit a showtime-time caller—thousands of people will exist able to hear their er'southward and uh's. The difference is that their safety and that of others does not depend on their making that call—yours does.

Technobabble Not Spoken Hither

(CTAF)—inquire one of the local pilots if y'all aren't certain what the CTAF for that drome is. You lot volition hear a dozen airplanes reporting that they are landing or taking off on runway xiv (for example), then a strange vox will come on the frequency and ask What runway is in use? That pilot hasn't learned to listen.

Note: Advisory Circular 90-42F contains instructions for communication at airports without control towers.

That VHF receiver is your best source of information on how to communicate as a pilot. Get a copy of the Chart Supplement U.S., which contains the Airdrome/Facility Directory (A/FD) for your surface area and look up the frequencies that are used by the local airports and air traffic command facilities. Look in the Chart Supplement'southward Section 4 for Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) frequencies, then tune in and listen to how the airliners communicate when en route. You will hear lots of expert examples and a few alarmingly bad examples. Y'all may not be able to hear both ends of the communication unless you live inside line-of-sight distance of the ground station's antenna, but a visit to a local belfry-controlled airdrome will eliminate that problem.

When y'all are surfing the web, spend some time at On your reckoner, you will be able to heed to controller-shipping traffic at a number of facilities nationwide and internationally.

While you are at your figurer, go to and click on Regulations and Guidance in the right column. And then click on Orders and Notices. That will lead you to FAA Social club 7110.65, the Air Traffic Control Handbook. This directive tells controllers what to say and how to say information technology, and they are required to follow its dictates. This is important to you lot because you will see that controller transmissions follow a fixed format for each situation; merely things similar headings, altitudes, and facility names modify. With this in mind, you will know what to expect in each state of affairs. Even so, if information technology becomes credible to the controller that the approved phraseology is non getting through to you, he or she is free to use plain language. By the same token, you are complimentary to say, I don't sympathise what you want me to practice if that is the case. Most of the ATCH will not utilise to you lot, just read information technology anyway…it is a treasure trove of information.

No affair what your instructor says, you can't say something wrong on the radio. Read AIM 4-2-1; in it, y'all will observe this precious stone: Since concise phraseology may not always be adequate, use any words are necessary to get your bulletin across. With experience, we all catch on to the lingo, but failure to utilize specific phraseology is non a big deal. The Airman Certification Standard for Private Pilot does require the applicant to use standard phraseology but a quick expect at the AIM reveals that while it tells you how to report headings, altitudes, and speeds, and provides the phonetic alphabet for pronunciation of letters and numbers, in that location is not much required phraseology. Read Advisory Round 90-42F as a improve source of information for this.

You might want to accept a look at This site offers pilots the opportunity to ask controllers any and all questions most communications. You lot do not accept to be an Air Safety Foundation fellow member to access this site. The ASF also has a costless program called Say it Right, available at In it are illustrated many, if non all of the lessons in this book.

Blown away


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