ken shamrock what did he bring to mma
The Globe'southward Most Dangerous Man
"I will get my respect or I will die."
Kenneth Wayne "Ken" Shamrock (born Kenneth Wayne Kilpatrick; February eleven, 1964) is an American retired professional wrestler and mixed martial artist best known for his piece of work in WWE and the UFC. He actually started as a pro wrestler, debuting in the South Atlantic Pro Wrestling promotion in 1989, under the name "Mr. Wrestling" Vince Torelli. This led him to All Japan Pro Wrestling, and he would go back and forth between SAPW and Japanese "shoot-style" promotions such every bit Universal Wrestling Federation and PWFG until he walked away from wrestling for MMA. He competed for Pancrase and was on the first UFC result and would compete regularly for them until he returned to wrestling in 1997, this fourth dimension for WWE. Over his fourth dimension in WWE, he would concord the WWE Intercontinental Championship once, the WWE World Tag Team Title
in one case with the Big Bossman and win the 1998 King of the Ring Tournament. He returned to MMA in 2000 and went back and forth between the 2. In 2002, he signed with the new NWA-TNA promotion, and was crowned the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion
at NWA TNA #i. He has also been a trainer and was a coach on The Ultimate Fighter. His achievements in MMA include winning the UFC Superfight Title
, the King of Pancrasists Open-weight Title
and, along with Royce Gracie, being 1 of the first inductees into the UFC Hall of Fame.
"Ultimate, Dangerous Tropes":
- Aborted Arc: Shamrock was going to fight Mark Hall in the PRIDE Grand Prix tournament capitalizing on their storyline together (encounter Bullying a Dragon beneath), but negotiations fell short and he faced Alexander Otsuka instead.
- The Ace: He was inhumanly strong, skilled in grappling and no slouch in hitting, ripped to the gills, and over all this, an American. This naturally made him extremely marketable both in Japan and United States.
- Curvation-Enemy: Dan "The Animate being" Severn, both in MMA and in WWF. In MMA, Royce Gracie, Tito Ortiz and Mark Hall.
- Audience Surrogate: Type three. For the early on era of UFC, Ken was the audience's most familiar effigy. Non only he was American and had a activity film hero build, he was the only fighter who knew what he was doing aside from the weird Brazilian guys who had came to pause the ground of traditional martial arts. To increase the mystic value, Shamrock even came accompanied past an inscrutable Japanese mentor who had taught him mysterious fighting techniques just like Mr. Miyagi, and he soon got involved in a real life martial arts feud motivated by revenge confronting the Brazilian fighters. Shamrock was basically the American Ninja.
- Badass Eyewitness: As the special guest referee for the Submission Match between Bret Hart and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin at WrestleMania 13. Shamroch had no bias towards either human and called the match completely fair, but after the Face/Heel Double-Turn when the newly-heel Bret began chirapsia down the unconscious Austin, Shamrock warned Hart to stop, and then suplexed him across the ring when the Hitman ignored him.
- Badass Teacher: He owns the King of beasts'southward Den MMA Gyms and has trained fighters similar Vernon "Tiger" White, Guy Mezger, Frank Shamrock, Maurice Smith, Jerry Bohlander, Tra Telligman, Pete Williams, Mikey Burnett, Oleg Taktarov, Mark Coleman, Jason Delucia, Roy Nelson, Joe Hurley and many others.
- Assurance of Steel: Literally. Dan Severn tried to get out of a guillotine choke by low blowing Ken, but under his purple speedos Shamrock wore a muay thai metal loving cup, and all Dan did was hurt his hand. Felix Mitchell was supposedly more Genre Savvy and tried to stick his hand in Ken'south tights and remove the cup, but Ken didn't let him.
- The Big Guy / The Brute: Was arguably one for Pancrase. In WWE, he was i for The Corporation.
- Blood Knight: He loved to fight, since the beginning minute on his fight with Don Nakaya Nielsen to the concluding minute of the post-prime fight he should not have taken.
- Bullying a Dragon:
- In 1990, before Shamrock became a fighter, the Nasty Boys encountered him and his engagement in a bar and started sexually harassing her, eventually attacking Ken before the bouncers broke information technology off. In a fit of Accolade Before Reason, Shamrock wasn't willing to go out information technology aside, so he later went to the hotel where the Boys were staying at, kicked the door downward and attacked one of them. Turning it into a two-one when, they knocked Ken out In the Back with a steel-plated phone, stomped him until breaking his sternum and olfactory organ, and tried to throw him out a second flooring window before Col. Robert Parker stopped them. Years afterward, with Shamrock turned into a MMA fighter and WWF star, he encountered the Boys again in an airport, and this fourth dimension they weren't so confident to engage him, so zilch happened at the stop despite Ken being eager to pay it back.
- Back when they were in PWFG, Kazuo Takahashi broke the script in a match and shot on Shamrock. Maybe predictably, the matter ended in ninety seconds with a soccer kick to the face of the Japanese. Ironically, they turned into Vitriolic All-time Buds when they later became sparring partners in Pancrase.
- Apparently, when Shamrock arrived to WWF, Big Show decided to rib Shamrock past bearhugging him from the dorsum and hoist him up at the proverb "what you gonna do now, UFC boy?" Shamrock answered the question by escaping the hold and going for a flight kneebar from his back. Testify panicked and immediately apologized.
- In 2000, Mark Hall supposedly accused Shamrock of trying to snatch sponsors from small shows, and even telephoned his wife and made her cry with foul language. And then, when the two met in a oversupply at the Rex of the Cage iv effect, Hall tried to intimidate Shamrock and fifty-fifty attacked him. The thing was followed with Ken painting the arena red with Hall and the police arresting the latter because the 100 people of the event had seen him starting the ball.
- A rumor has UFC champion Mark Coleman sparring with Ken and taking some liberties with him, only for Ken to go angry and knock him down quite severely.
- Shamrock has besides ended upward receiving the shorter cease of the stick a few times, though. During his match against Vader at the WWF In Your House fifteen: A Cold Day in Hell PPV in May 1997, Shamrock (who hadn't wrestled in a while) came out actually stiff against Vader, laying into his legs with brutal kicks and then cornering him and delivering blows and knees to the caput. Eventually Vader (no gentle touch himself) had plenty of this corruption, wound up a big one, and hit Shamrock so hard his face nearly ended up on the dorsum of his skull.
- Cast from Hitting Points: Ken once had an MMA match against Kazuyuki Fujita, a Japanese fighter notorious for his tedious, impuissant fighting way and Hard Head. Shamrock unloaded on Fujita, who took the horrendous beating seemingly without ill outcome, until Shamrock's cornermen threw in the towel considering he was exerting himself and then much he was starting to take palpitations and was at risk of a heart attack.
- Challenge Seeker: His Kickboxing lucifer with Frank Lobman was his own manner of challenging himself to become better at striking.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: According to Maurice Smith, Ken was one of the strongest guys from his time, even more than orthodox wrestlers similar Mark Coleman.
- Combat Commentator: Provided commentary on a few past Pancrase fights on the 1996 Kings of Pancrase PPV.
- Crazy-Prepared: He made sure to article of clothing a steel loving cup for his fights in UFC, and after he lost to Royce by gi asphyxiate, he brought a judoka to the King of beasts'south Den and equipped everybody with gis in order to prepare for the rematch.
- Dancing Is Serious Business organisation: Shamrock'south apprentice Vernon White worked as a bartender and stripper while he was training nether Ken, and according to him, Shamrock sometimes joined the show.
- Dark and Troubled By: His father left when he was five. His mother married a man who abused Ken. Ken spent time in foster homes, juvenile hall and grouping homes. That isn't Kayfabe, either. He was legally adopted by his foster father and took his last proper noun.
- Defeat Means Friendship: Dorsum in UWF, Ken one time had to grapple for real with Duane Koslowski, a wrestler from the Olympic Team, in order to settle down who would win their impending worked match. After Ken made him tap out twice via heel hook, they became friends and Ken started to coach him in submission wrestling.
- Determinator: Probably to his own chagrin nowadays, but he came back to MMA after a serious injury that made him change his fighting style and didn't bring him equally much success.
- The Dreaded: Back in his prime in MMA, he was feared even by his own training partners for his force and skill.
- Early-Bird Cameo: He really first wrestled for WWE at a house evidence in 1989, jobbing to Barry Horowitz of all people.
- Finishing Move: Ankle lock.
- Game-Breaking Injury: Suffered one in the WWF when Curtis Hughes kicked him stiffly in the neck, aggravating an old injury.
- The old cervix injury also acquired him lose an athletic scholarship in either football game or amateur wrestling for higher.
- Gimmick Matches: At SummerSlam 98, he defeated Owen Hart in a "Lion's Den Friction match," which was held in a modified UFC-mode octagon. At Fully Loaded 99, he defeated Steve Blackman in an "Iron Circle Friction match," which was a hardcore match where they were surrounded past cars in a parking garage. Shamrock won by choking out Blackman with a chain.
- Heel–Face Revolving Door: He worked both roles in SAPW and in WWE.
- Heroic Build: In his younger days. He actually still has it, just not equally impressive at his peak.
- Hitting Me, Dammit!: During his Intercontinental Title match against Val Venis at WWF In Your Business firm 27: St. Valentine's Day Massacre, Ryan Shamrock was supposed to slap him just missed her cue, with Ken attempting to salve the situation past audibly yelling, "SLAP ME!"
- Hoist past His Own Petard: During his first fight against Royce Gracie on UFC i, Shamrock got two iterations of the trope. The first one was that he dropped backwards to leglock Gracie without knowing he had Royce'due south gi wrapped around his mitt, which accidentally pulled his opponent on top of him. And the 2nd and worst 1 was that he insisted on locking the agree without figuring he had to look for gi chokes, which let Gracie to exercise exactly that and submit him.
- Honor Before Reason:
- Equally said to a higher place, Ken one time attacked the Nasty Boys at once, every bit they had been sexually harassing his girlfriend, and they almost killed him as a result.
- His first fight with Royce Gracie concluded afterward he tapped out and admitted it to the referee who didn't come across information technology, instead of taking the opportunity to continue the fight.
- His 2d fight with Dan Severn had a special ruleset that if either human did striking they would be fined, though in reality this was announced simply to allow the fight to happen and they were both told non to take it seriously and go nuts. Shamrock at the time feared he could become arrested if he broke the new rule and also because he wanted to set a good example for the troubled boys from his begetter's foster abode as they would exist watching him, which resulted in a dissever decision win for Severn as Ken refused to strike while Severn did.
- Hot-Blooded: Has described himself as volition to fight everyone at the drop of a chapeau for any reason.
- I Know Karate: Specifically Japanese shoot-style MMA, which is based effectually Catch Wrestling and other martial arts. He also did amateur wrestling in high schoolhouse.
- Initiation Ceremony: The King of beasts's Den's entrance exam was notoriusly savage for American standards (not for Japanese ones, as he brought information technology from Pancrase). Shamrock would make his students spar with him, and he would swallow them up until they gave upward and left or he accepted them as tough guys. Afterward a time, as Shamrock realized it was a legally unsafe method, he changed to a marine boot camp-like exercise ritual. As Vernon White put it:
"He made me do 500 push-ups, sit-ups, leg-lifts, and squats, and then I had to clean the gym. Then I came back and had to kickbox with him, and again he fabricated me do 500 push-ups, sit-ups, leg lifts, and squats, and after that I was in."
- Insult Backfire: Shamrock's threat to beat Tito Ortiz "into a living death" caused Tito to burst into laughter. Information technology's one of MMA'due south most famous groaners.
- Lion: He has a chain of MMA schools chosen the Lion's Den.
- Knight Templar Big Brother: To Ryan Shamrock, who luckily didn't similar to travel.
- Lightning Bruiser: Aside from a great technical worker trained past Funaki and Suzuki, Ken was incredibly potent, which made his game more dangerous than the accustomed slim grapplers of Pancrase.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Had long hair when he debuted in UWF Newborn, he cutting it brusque before he competed in Pancrase.
- Mighty Whitey: The kickoff i in Pancrase,. His losses there were either works or under special weather condition like his kickboxing friction match with kickboxing champion Frank Lobman, and co-ordinate to Shamrock, his first fight with Minoru Suzuki had an agreement between the ii of them that Ken wouldn't strike him equally Suzuki was very injury prone.
- Military Deviling: He was built-in at Robins Air Force Base in Macon, GA.
- Noodle Incident: It was never explained why he put and then much enthusiasm into beating up Billy Gunn. Granted, he put a lot of enthusiasm into everything he did, but, for some reason Gunn seemed to bring out something extra in him.
- Only in It for the Money: Turned down a match for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship, one of the about prestigious titles in pro wrestling, for a special guest referee spot in WWE because Vince was offering more than money than Inoki. This was arguably his unabridged mental attitude in WWE, he had already proven himself a legit Badass in a "real" gainsay sport, and had no issues being treated like a B-lister in "faux" wrestling as long as he was getting paid.
- The Ane Who Wears Shoes: He liked to wearable wrestling shoes when possible in the cage.
- Overshadowed by Awesome: He defeated The Rock to win the 1998 King of the Ring Tournament... the same dark as the Hell in a Cell match betwixt Flesh and The Undertaker
- Power Stable:
- (in SAPW): Jones' Rangers (which included a young Chris Chavis, later Tatanka) (face) and The Stud Stable (heel)
- (in WWE): The Corporation, and The Union, with Mankind, The Large Show and Test after his face up turn.
- Existent Men Love Jesus: Is a built-in-once more Christian. He also made a documentary on his life and faith with filmmaker Darren Wilson of WP Films (formerly Wanderlust Productions) who is known for his Christian-based documentaries.
- Real Men Wear Pink: He wore purple trunks for his Superfight
against Dan Severn at UFC six.
- Red Baron: "The Earth's Most Dangerous Man", "I Punch Shamrock" (in his toughman contest days), "The Ultimate Hero" (in Japan subsequently his UFC fights), "The King of beasts", "The Rock" (in his early UFC days, apparently he endemic the rights to that proper name in the WWF only let Dwayne Johnson use it for complimentary).
- Ring Oldies: He'southward yet wrestling in 2020, appearing at Impact Wrestling'south Slammiversary event teaming with Sami Callihan in an unsuccessful attempt to beat The Northward for their Tag Team Championships. He'south 56 and still a scary, scary guy.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: After being beaten by Royce Gracie at UFC ane, Shamrock went Super-Persistent Predator for him and according to Lion's Den alumni, he was obsessed with chirapsia him, with even mentioning his name got his claret boiling. He dropped out of the UFC iii tournament since Royce got too battered past Kimo and it was only after their depict in the superfight of UFC 5 that he finally chilled out.
- Sadist Teacher: Ken was known as a incredibly harsh instructor, always seeking to break his trainees until they learned not to fear and were fit to wage state of war in the band. Mikey Burnett recalls how, if y'all were caught in a choke by Ken while rolling, you would get choked out completely (they somewhen had to establish a dominion that a trainee "only" could exist choked out thrice a day). While his methods did produce tough every bit nails fighters, his methods also made his pupils more liable to get injured in training.
- Screaming Warrior: "Become OUT OF MY Mode!", after The British Bulldog shoved domestic dog nutrient in Ken's oral fissure during their lucifer at SummerSlam 97.
- Surpassed the Teacher: Defeated his mentor Funaki at the outset main event in Pancrase. Shamrock recalls information technology every bit a very special match, because he had never tapped out him or merely dominated him in the gym and the victory took Ken past surprise.
- Took a Level in Badass: After his defeat at the easily of Royce Gracie, he adult a slower, more than decision-making grappling way in lodge to counter Royce's jiu-jitsu. He arguably dominated Pancrase thanks to this modify in fashion.
- Torture Ever Works: He one time applied an ankle lock to Christian to force him to reveal the location of Stephanie McMahon. He only had the hold on for a few seconds before Christian was screaming the truth to Shamrock to get him to break the hold.
- Preparation from Hell: Obviously, what it'southward like to railroad train under him. Shamrock himself passed one under Yoshiaki Fujiwara in Japan.
- Unconscious Objector: Said that he experienced this in his fight with Don Frye. After a punch from Frye, he claims that he blacked out and had no idea how he managed to take downwards Frye and put him in a leglock.
- Underwear of Ability: Always wore the standard wrestling briefs as his friction match attire.
- The Un-Favourite:
- Karl Gotch never liked Ken and Frank Shamrock, considering they were more streetfighters than wrestlers, and believed they should not have been pushed so much in Pancrase. He also disliked Ken considering of his usage of operation enhancing drugs, which was Serious Business for Gotch since he developed his own physique naturally and thought Ken was taking a shortcut and therefore unworthy.
- Yoshiaki Fujiwara had the aforementioned opinion, but being a famously Squeamish Guy, was at least more fragile nearly it.
- Unrelated Brothers: He's unrelated to his foster blood brother and MMA fighter Frank Shamrock. In Kayfabe, Ryan Shamrock (played by Alicia Webb) is his sister.
- Unskilled, only Strong: Subverted. While his technique was nowhere near the level of guys like Funaki and Suzuki, Ken was not slouch neither, but it was his very superior physique which allowed him to outmuscle everybody in Pancrase and dominate on the ground.
- Unstoppable Rage: Whenever Shamrock "snapped," not even an entire locker room of officials could stop him from putting the hurt on the unfortunate victim.
- Ur-Example: The first Rex of Pancrase titleholder and the get-go foreign champion in a Japanese MMA promotion.
- Worked Shoot: Ken had a long career in Japanese shoot-style promotions, which hateful matches designed to await similar MMA fights, and eventually a longer career in Pancrase, a MMA visitor famous for its relaxation at the fourth dimension of host worked fights to promotional purposes. Shamrock has stated he fought those predetermined fights for the business'southward sake.
- His famous fight against Matt Hume, which ended in a spectacular northern lights suplex dropped into a kimura, was actually an exhibition accorded among them due to Hume getting injured earlier the bout.
- The second fight against Masakatsu Funaki is believed to be a piece of work in order to rebuild Funaki's reputation, which got damaged afterward losing to Ken at the first Pancrase issue, and also to preserve Ken before his expected fights in the upcoming UFC 3.
- Ken was told to throw his 2d match with Minoru Suzuki in order to drop to him the King of Pancrase championship, as Shamrock would compete afterwards confronting Dan Severn (former UWF-i wrestler) in UFC and Pancrase could not take the run a risk of their champion losing to a wrestler belonging to a worked wrestling promotion.
- Wrestling Doesn't Pay: Subverted. He took up pro wrestling because MMA was not paying plenty.
- Wrestling Family unit: Or MMA Family; his foster brother Frank is too a MMA fighter. He as well has a claret brother Robbie "The Cheetah" Kilpatrick who briefly trained at the Panthera leo'due south Den and fought in MMA as well.
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